Parish Life Ministries

Men’s Club

About: This ministry assists St. Mary’s Pastor and our parish’s many ministries, while encouraging fellowship among the men at St. Mary’s. We accomplish this through fundraising projects, parish functions such as dinners, breakfasts, and bar-b-ques. We also assist in parish building and grounds maintenance as well as construction projects.

Time: Meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the church hall. 

Coordinator: Bill Emory 717.357.2977

Note: All men of the parish are welcome to participate.

Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW)

About: St. Mary’s PCCW is affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women and we share their mission to, “support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service”. “NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.”

We fulfill this mission by providing funeral lunches when requested, sponsor various dinners throughout the year, have bake sales at Pippenfest and at the Christmas bazaar and sponsor retreats. We are often called on to provide desserts for various church dinners and gladly lend a helping hand. We currently donate 600.00 annually to worthy local charities.

Nurses from the parish, as members of the PCCW health committee, offer monthly blood pressure screenings, monitor and replenish the first aid supplies and AED equipment.

Time: Meetings held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.

Coordinator: Peggy Leister 717.642.8903

Note: All women of the parish are welcome to participate.

Seven Sisters

About:  Seven Sisters is a prayer apostolate for women to pray for priests.  Each of our priests has at least seven women who pray a holy hour for him each week on their designated day.  All women of the parish are invited to participate regularly, or as a substitute.

Contact:  Karen Graff 717.642.8075 or Donna Butt 240.529-2470

Knights of Columbus

About: An international organization for Catholic men striving for the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Divine Mercy Council packs Thanksgiving food baskets for the less fortunate, and promotes Keeping Christ in Christmas.

Time: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.

Coordinator: Bruce Carr 308.289.0594

Note: Open to men age 18 and older who are practicing Catholics.

That Man Is You (TMIY)

About:  This is a national Catholic men's program open to all men ages 18 and up.  TMIY meets each Saturday morning September - December and January - spring from 6:15 - 7:45 a.m. for breakfast, a video presentation, and small group discussion.  TMIY fosters a "spiritual vision of man" while promoting "leadership" and a "renewal of families through the Church." 

Coordinator:  Marty Schorn 717.762.9733

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